We had our end of the year football banquet on January 14th. This years team was the first ever to make it to the playoffs. The pictures are of running back Keith Lawson, who earned the MVP on the offensive side of the ball. He ran for nearly 2000 and 25 tds...fun night.
Wow what a morning! I love how the Lord uses sports and influence to further his kingdom. Today we had the honor of having the entire Texas football team, along with members of the Alabama team present at our FCA breakfast. Not only them, but Coach Bobby Bowden, former FSU Quarterback Chris Rix and members of the USC football Team were there as well. Quarterback Colt McCoy was given the Bobby Bowden award and shared bits and pieces of what the Lord was doing in his life. Coach Bowden was the guest speaker as he shared about the ministry of FCA and how God is using high profile athletes to reach kids. Not only them, but we were blessed to have Jake Olsen speak as well. Jake is a 12 year old boy that lost both of his eyes because of cancer. The USC football team has reached out to him and made him a part of their team this past season (walking out to be a captain at the last home game). He in turn blessed them by sharing the good news of Christ and how being blind is just adversity that he has dealt with.
Thanks to everyone for their prayers and support to pull this event off. I am extremely grateful for the entire FCA staff and all the hard work they put into this. God's name was glorified and he allowed this event to reach a bunch of people that don't know him. Enjoy the pictures.
For more pictures taken in better quality click here
For Colt McCoy video that was played as his name was announced (you will get goose bumps)Click here
Yes Yes on New Years Eve Night as the Clock struck 12:00 AM I asked my beautiful Girlfriend Kelly Williams to be my wife:) Thankfully she said yes;) We will be married on July 3rd....Enjoy the pictures:)
The student leaders put on a full out Christmas story skit at our last huddle before break. It was so awesome to see the leaders take ownership of this huddle as they made props, wrote lines, and acted out everything. It was neat to see how the Lord worked as he brought in a ton of students to hear about the birth of Jesus. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and support...God is truly moving on this campus and I am very excited to see what he has for us in the year of 2010.