
FCA Football Power Camp 2011

The Lord is faithful! This past summer marked the 3rd year we have put on a football power camp for our youngsters. For 4 days 60 campers took over Lebard Football Stadium for a time of football and worship. We were blessed by great coaches throughout the week that included players such as; Josh Gage-UW, Kyle Negrete-USC, Matt Barkley-USC, Robbie Boyer-USC, Bryce Butler-USC, Mike Willis-APU, Chris Rix-Florida State, Jason Jacobi-Chapman, Jared Hall-Bethel, and many more...

The boys, ages 8-13, had a blast and grew both in the game of football and in faith! Mission Hills Church Youth Pastor, Danny Bowers was our Camp Chaplain throughout the week and did an awesome job of sharing about God's Power, God's Strength, and God's Victory. He really connected well with the campers! I was blessed by all the coaches and helpers who volunteered their time to come out and make this week a huge success! I am already looking forward to next year.

FCA Camp 2011 UCLA

This years camp was the best yet, and we are truly praising the Lord for his faithfulness to the ministry of FCA.                                                                                                                                                                       
The 682 campers that invaded UCLA for the week had a blast. Check out the video below. Miles McPherson delivered great messages all week, and the Katinas were awesome! The highlight by far though was this...132 athletes gave their lives to Christ for the first time and 398 athletes rededicated their lives to Him.  That means 530 of the 682 athletes that stepped foot on UCLA’s campus last week made a new commitment to the Lord.  Praise God! That my friends is what it is all about!