Huddle Recap Mater Dei High School 3-24-11
Dear FAM supporters,
Thanks again for all of your prayers, time and effort. We had an amazing huddle, with the most kids we have ever had at the FAM meeting last Thursday. Shannon Laine, USC song girl, gave a passionate talk about her identity being in Christ and nothing else. She shared with the kids how awesome it is to be a part of God's family and encouraged them to find their own identity in God. She shared how amazing it is to be in the Coliseum and be a part of the trojan family, but far more important to her will always be being God's daughter. She reminded the kids how much God loves each one of them and to think of Jesus actually dying for each one of them. It was an incredibly inspiring time to see a young woman so sold out for the Lord.
Thanks to all of you, especially Stacey, Elisa, and Juliet for bringing food, water and the ever-needed helping hands. As always, thanks to Jared and Kathleen for all they continually do for FAM. We have a month long break now, and look forward to seeing you all next month for our one huddle April 28th.
Have a wonderful spring break,
Lucy and Paula
Huddle Recap Foothill High School 3-23-11
Dear FCA Parents, Youth Leaders, and Supporters,
Your prayers are so key to each Huddle!
Your prayers are so key to each Huddle!
Thank you for keeping our two student speakers, Erin Hendry and Katie Buckner, in your prayers this week. They did a great job!
Both girls talked about the importance of giving to others. Erin used the story of the Good Samaritan as her text, and spoke about a meaningful trip to Mexico she was able to go on with her church group. Katie talked about using loose change to bless others through a World Vision project. She tied this into honoring Christ by referring to Matthew 25:34-40; "whatever you do for one of the least of these...you did for [Jesus]."
The kids obviously enjoyed hearing the girls speak, so thank you, Erin and Katie, for being brave enough to share with 400+ of your peers!
Thank you, parents and youth leaders, for your continued support of FCA at Foothill! God continues to work on this campus!
Both girls talked about the importance of giving to others. Erin used the story of the Good Samaritan as her text, and spoke about a meaningful trip to Mexico she was able to go on with her church group. Katie talked about using loose change to bless others through a World Vision project. She tied this into honoring Christ by referring to Matthew 25:34-40; "whatever you do for one of the least of these...you did for [Jesus]."
The kids obviously enjoyed hearing the girls speak, so thank you, Erin and Katie, for being brave enough to share with 400+ of your peers!
Thank you, parents and youth leaders, for your continued support of FCA at Foothill! God continues to work on this campus!
Enjoy viewing the pictures of the March 23rd Huddle at this link: http://webmail.ca.rr.com/do/redirect?url=https%253A%252F%252Fpicasaweb.google.com%252Flh%252Fsredir%253Funame%253Dmduffy%2526target%253DALBUM%2526id%253D5588535738734065969%2526authkey%253DGv1sRgCMjD_K-Xy8z4eQ%2526feat%253Demail
Linda and Cherie
Linda and Cherie
Huddle Recap Northwood High School 3-15-11
Dear FCA Parents,
Our students had the awesome privilege of hearing from an FCA favorite, Egypt McKee at this week’s Huddle. Egypt is an author, speaker and television personality that knows how to inspire teenagers with his quick wit and no nonsense message of faith. Egypt captivated our students’ attention by touching on his rage filled high school years as he resented not having a father figure in his life and praised single mothers for the tough job they have raising teenagers. He also addressed the importance of making right choices before you find yourself in a compromising predicament and referred to the scripture verse 1Corinthians 15:33 Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” It was great to hear the kids laughing and receiving his encouragement to not be STUPID! We love you Egypt…keep up the good work!!
Our next Huddle is Tuesday, April 5th and our guest speaker is another Huddle favorite USC song girl Shannon Laine. Please join us if you can!! Thank you again parents for funding our Huddles as it allows us to focus on praying and recruiting godly inspirational speakers. If you feel led to support FCA please make donations payable to: Monica Younger (26 Rincon 92620) if you do not require a formal tax receipt from FCA. If you do need a receipt, make checks payable to NHS FCA Huddle.
A BIG thank you to the following families for your donations of money and sweet treats:
Picture Link:
Many thanks & blessings....
Kate Gisch
Torre Murray
Rosalyn Reasor
Monica Younger
Huddle Recap Irvine 3-17-11
Good Afternoon FCA Families!!
Here is a quick recap from our last huddle on Thursday, March 17th. Once again, We had a great turnout, in spite of it being an extended lunch. I have attached a few pictures, check them out!! Also, check out our face book page = “IHS Fellowship of Christian Athletes”.
Our speaker this week was Greg Seneca (youth pastor from The River Church)...Here is a quick recap from Jared Hall....
"Last Thursday we had Pastor Greg from the "River" Church come out and share his very powerful testimony with the students. Greg grew up going to Church but explained that he didn't have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. His passion was music and began playing drums at the age of 5, and his number one goal was to be a rock-star. Well that dream became reality as his band made it big, but with a secular career comes temptation from the devil. Greg began to use drugs at a very young age and the party scene was a part of his youth. His lead singer asked Greg the question "What is the meaning of life?" Greg answered, "To make it big as a band and party hard." A month later, the lead singer died from a freak accident of a spider bite. This accident along with many other trials changed Greg's life forever. He gave his life to Christ at the age of 30 and has been in ministry ever since. Greg's testimony is a reminder to us all that ANYONE can be used by Jesus. The lonely kid on the verge of suicide at the high school can be changed by the Holy Spirit and used by Jesus. Thank you Greg for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come and share the truth!"
We had several youth pastors join us on Thursday, Steven Johnson from Good Sheppard and Doug Brown, who was accompanied by two of his fellow youth pastors, came from Calvary church in Santa Ana. Please don’t forget to extend an invite to your youth pastor come to our huddles.
Of course, our huddles could not happen with out your help....here is who stepped up to the plate this week:
- Pizza – No sponsor for this weeks huddle.
- Baked Goods were lovingly prepared by the these families:
Water bottles were provided by the Dossett Family
Your continued generosity will make it possible for us to be continue to provide the students with hot pizza, homemade treats and a drink... all while hearing an inspirational message. If you are interested in sponsoring a Huddle, please contact me via email –jmnordy@cox.net As you can see this club is growing and will only stay afloat with all of our help! (Your financial donations are tax deductible!!)
If you are able to donate waters or baked good on the day of the Huddle, please email me. You can either drop them off at the school gym the day of the huddle or beforehand at my house. If you are able to help serve these hungry students, please show up at the gym at 11:30 on the day of the Huddle. And most of all, we ask that everyone please pray for this ministry as kids continue to come with a curiosity and a hunger for meaningful inspiration!
THANK YOU PARENTS for your support!!!
Our next Huddle is Thursday, March 31st!! Here are the dates for the rest of our huddles for this year.....
4/14/11, 5/5/11, 5/26/11, 6/2/11
Jodi Nordstrom
Michelle Carter
Huddle Recap Northwood High School 3-7-11
Dear FCA Parents,
We are at a loss for words as to how to adequately thank you for your prompt and generous response to our last email. You have increased our faith as this ministry relies solely on NHS parents for financial support. All of your encouraging notes were shared with MIT (Mom’s in Touch) as they faithfully pray for FCA and all of our FCA families. Thank you again for believing in the work of this ministry through your prayers, financial donations and baked goods!
Our guest speaker last week was Danny Campbell; he is the cousin of student leader Sara Campbell. Danny is a graduate of Biola University where he earned a basketball scholarship and met his soon to be bride in July. He has a real passion to share his faith and an energy that draws you to his message of hope. The scripture Danny referred to was Psalm 34:8.... Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him. He encouraged our students to commit to a weekly Bible study to mature in their walk with God.
A BIG thank you to the following families:
Gusikoski Griffith Skelly
Swerdfeger Glorioso Dougherty
Perkins Harper Adams
Seidler Brown Holder
Villaflor Curvero
Langdon MacDonald
Rutland Hartshorne
Lee McSunas
Weyand Christ
Tuesday, March 15 is our next Huddle and a student favorite, Egypt, will be sharing his message.
Thank you again for your generous contributions in faithfully supporting this ministry!!
In Him....
Kate Gisch
Torre Murray
Rosalyn Reasor
Monica Younger
Huddle Recap Foothill High School 3-9-11
Dear FCA Parents, Youth Leaders, and Supporters;
What an incredible Huddle we had on Foothill's campus!
You just never know what God is going to do with the resources He provides! No gym...no problem! We'll pack 225 kids or more into Mrs. Dehn's choir room! (Check out the picture link!)https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/sredir?uname=mduffy&target=ALBUM&id=5582291639941406273&authkey=Gv1sRgCO3cqPPMz9m-lAE&feat=email
It was a cozy and more intimate alternative to the gym, and the kids really focused as Danny Campbell shared his passion for Christ with them! Gleaning from Revelation 3:20, Danny told our high schoolers about a God who knocks at their heart's door because He wants to know them intimately--a God who sees their worry, their desperation and longs to "sup with them." The Truth struck a chord with these kids, and seven raised their hands to renew their commitment to Christ or become new Believers!
Please pray for our new believers--that they would find Christians to connect with and a local church/Bible study group where they will grow in their faith.
Thank you, parents, for all your prayers and support! Foothill is certainly a mission field in our own backyard, and you are having a direct impact on so many lives!
Linda and Cherie
What an incredible Huddle we had on Foothill's campus!
You just never know what God is going to do with the resources He provides! No gym...no problem! We'll pack 225 kids or more into Mrs. Dehn's choir room! (Check out the picture link!)https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/sredir?uname=mduffy&target=ALBUM&id=5582291639941406273&authkey=Gv1sRgCO3cqPPMz9m-lAE&feat=email
It was a cozy and more intimate alternative to the gym, and the kids really focused as Danny Campbell shared his passion for Christ with them! Gleaning from Revelation 3:20, Danny told our high schoolers about a God who knocks at their heart's door because He wants to know them intimately--a God who sees their worry, their desperation and longs to "sup with them." The Truth struck a chord with these kids, and seven raised their hands to renew their commitment to Christ or become new Believers!
Please pray for our new believers--that they would find Christians to connect with and a local church/Bible study group where they will grow in their faith.
Thank you, parents, for all your prayers and support! Foothill is certainly a mission field in our own backyard, and you are having a direct impact on so many lives!
Linda and Cherie
Huddle Recap Irvine High School 3-3-11
Good Afternoon FCA Families!!
Here is a quick recap from our last huddle on Thursday, March 3rd. We had a great turnout....more than 130 kids!! I have attached a few pictures, check them out!! Also, check out our facebook page = “IHS Fellowship of Christian Athletes”.
Our speaker this week was Josh Sheau. He is a break-dancer and works for a ministry called "break free."http://www.breakn4christ.com/index.php/about-us. Josh, along with two other break-dancers, performed some of their ‘dance moves’ for the kids. Afterwards, Josh shared with the kids his personal story and how without Christ as his Savior, he had no direction or purpose in life. Josh then very simply shared how to accept Christ into your life and invited kids to raise their hands (and stand up) if they were interested in making that decision.
Brianne Searl shared with me how that moment felt to her...
This weeks huddle was very powerful. Four students stood up and gave their lives to Christ. We also passed out flyers with the cell phone numbers and churches of some of the FCA student leaders, so that the students can more easily get plugged into a church.
Greg Seneca (youth pastor from The River Church) also attended the huddle last week. Please don’t forget to extend an invite to your youth pastor come to our huddles.
Of course, our huddles could not happen with out your help....here is who stepped up to the plate this week:
Your continued generosity will make it possible for us to be continue to provide the students with hot pizza, homemade treats and a drink... all while hearing an inspirational message. If you are interested in sponsoring a Huddle, please contact me via email –jmnordy@cox.net As you can see this club is growing and will only stay afloat with all of our help! (Your financial donations are tax deductible!!)
If you are able to donate waters or baked good on the day of the Huddle, please email me. You can either drop them off at the school gym the day of the huddle or beforehand at my house. If you are able to help serve these hungry students, please show up at the gym at 11:30 on the day of the Huddle. And most of all, we ask that everyone please pray for this ministry as kids continue to come with a curiosity and a hunger for meaningful inspiration!
THANK YOU PARENTS for your support!!!
Our next Huddle is Thursday, March 17th!! Here are the dates for the rest of our huddles for this year.....
3/31/11, 4/14/11, 5/5/11, 5/26/11, 6/2/11
Jodi Nordstrom
Michelle Carter
Here is a quick recap from our last huddle on Thursday, March 3rd. We had a great turnout....more than 130 kids!! I have attached a few pictures, check them out!! Also, check out our facebook page = “IHS Fellowship of Christian Athletes”.
Our speaker this week was Josh Sheau. He is a break-dancer and works for a ministry called "break free."http://www.breakn4christ.com/index.php/about-us. Josh, along with two other break-dancers, performed some of their ‘dance moves’ for the kids. Afterwards, Josh shared with the kids his personal story and how without Christ as his Savior, he had no direction or purpose in life. Josh then very simply shared how to accept Christ into your life and invited kids to raise their hands (and stand up) if they were interested in making that decision.
Brianne Searl shared with me how that moment felt to her...
This weeks huddle was very powerful. Four students stood up and gave their lives to Christ. We also passed out flyers with the cell phone numbers and churches of some of the FCA student leaders, so that the students can more easily get plugged into a church.
Greg Seneca (youth pastor from The River Church) also attended the huddle last week. Please don’t forget to extend an invite to your youth pastor come to our huddles.
Of course, our huddles could not happen with out your help....here is who stepped up to the plate this week:
- Pizza – Proehl Family for donating funds to help with the cost of Pizza
- Baked Goods were lovingly prepared by the these families:
- Water bottles were provided by the Lee Families...6 cases worth!!
Your continued generosity will make it possible for us to be continue to provide the students with hot pizza, homemade treats and a drink... all while hearing an inspirational message. If you are interested in sponsoring a Huddle, please contact me via email –jmnordy@cox.net As you can see this club is growing and will only stay afloat with all of our help! (Your financial donations are tax deductible!!)
If you are able to donate waters or baked good on the day of the Huddle, please email me. You can either drop them off at the school gym the day of the huddle or beforehand at my house. If you are able to help serve these hungry students, please show up at the gym at 11:30 on the day of the Huddle. And most of all, we ask that everyone please pray for this ministry as kids continue to come with a curiosity and a hunger for meaningful inspiration!
THANK YOU PARENTS for your support!!!
Our next Huddle is Thursday, March 17th!! Here are the dates for the rest of our huddles for this year.....
3/31/11, 4/14/11, 5/5/11, 5/26/11, 6/2/11
Jodi Nordstrom
Michelle Carter
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