
Huddle Recap 12/9/10 Irvine High School

Good Evening FCA parents,

Here is a quick recap about our last huddle....

We had an awesome turn out, in fact, there were more kids than we actually anticipated.  We were competing with the “Food Fair” fundraiser that was going on in the main quad area during lunch.  But that didn’t keep the kids from showing up for the huddle, it was great!!

Once pizza was finished, a large match of “Ninja” was played.  I would try to explain it, but I am sure I would just confuse you more....probably best to have your kids explain  =  )

I had Sara Nordstrom write a short description of our speaker’s, Joey Fiktarz, message;

The turn out on Thursday was awesome. We were expecting less people because of the food fair, but we had a lot of students still come to FCA .  Joey Fiktarz was our speaker.  He is the High School pastor at Voyagers church.  Joey started his talk sharing about his first year of marriage and how hard it was.  He told us it was okay that he was saying that, since he brought his wife, Sheena, to our Huddle.  He said he had her permission   : -)    Joey told us how the Bible is our instruction manual for all of our relationships.  He told us that instead of just reacting to the people in our lives, and doing what feels right to us, we can turn to our bible and learn how God wants us to respond.  God made us to be in relationships, with each other and with Him and the bible helps us to make those relationships the best they can be.  Joey encouraged us and also told us that when he trusted God’s word, it made his marriage great.  After Joey spoke, Jared made an announcement that we had free bibles to pass out to anyone that wanted one.  We ended up giving out all of the bibles and the students seemed to be very enthusiastic. ”  
In addition to having a great speaker,  Steven Johnson from Good Shepherd Church and Josh Saenz from Pacific Church came to just ‘hang’ with the kids. Also, Sheena (Joey’s wife who works in the High School group) was there to visit with the kids.  It is so awesome to see the kids approach these youth pastors to ask questions or even just visit with them.  We would love to have your youth pastor come to our huddles, so please extend them an invitation.

Jared Hall also has a FCA Blog with pictures and recaps for all of his Orange County FCA groups.  If you would like to check it out, click on this link.... 
Of course, our huddles could not happen with out your help....here is who stepped up to the plate this week:

  • Pizza – John and Heather Searl sponsored our huddle and graciously paid for all of the pizza.  (24 XL Pizzas!!!) 

  • Baked Goods were lovingly prepared by the the Alayra and Kenney families.

  • Water bottles were provided by the Lee family.

  • Our amazing sound system is provided by the Alayra family.

Thank you, also to the dads and moms who rolled up their sleeves during their lunch break to help serve water and pizza. We are so grateful for your help every time .

Your continued generosity will make it possible for us to be continue to provide the students with hot pizza, homemade treats and a drink... all while hearing an inspirational message.  If you are interested in sponsoring a Huddle, please contact me via email – jmnordy@cox.net  As you can see this club is growing and will only stay afloat with all of our help!   
(Your financial donations are tax deductible!!) 
If you are able to donate waters or baked good on the day of the Huddle, please email me.  You can either drop them off at the school gym the day of the huddle or beforehand at my house.  If you are able to help serve these hungry students, please show up at the gym at 11:30 on the day of the Huddle.   And most of all, we ask that everyone please pray for this ministry as kids continue to come with a curiosity and a hunger for meaningful inspiration!

THANK YOU PARENTS for your support!!!    Attached are some fun pictures from the day!

Our next Huddle is Thursday, November 18th!!!   Here are the dates of all of our huddles for the rest of the year.....
1/20/11,      2/3/11,      2/17/11,      3/3/11,      3/17/11,      3/31/11,      4/14/11,      5/5/11,        5/26/11,      6/2/11
Have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!!!

Jodi Nordstrom
Michelle Carter

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