
Epi Garcia Shares the Significance of Christ's Blood (Picture link)

Thank you, Parents, for all your help in providing the food for the crowd of students who came on Wednesday to the January FCA Huddle.  The bleachers were full, and many kids ended up sitting on the floor along the walls!

The Huddle started with a game of "Get the Oreo in your mouth without using your hands."  These kids must practice at home, because amazingly one young man was able to do it fairly quickly!  We'll make sure he puts that on his college application:)

View Huddle pictures.

Epi Garcia, youth leader at Bethany of Sierra Madre, then took the floor to to share his testimony.   Epi grew up in LA in a home where punishment was handed out freely, but showing love was rare.   He became involed in acting and he developed a lot of his self worth from his success.   When his family uprooted and moved to Escondido, he had to leave his success and identity behind, and he fell into such deep depression that he finally decided to kill himself.  As his wrists bled, he regretted his decision and prayed that God would spare him.

Though he came so close to a pointless death, Epi went on to explain the importance and significance of Christ's death to us as sinners.  He graphically shared how the crown of thorns caused our Savior's blood to run from His head and into His eyes representing His payment for our sinful thoughts and the sins of lust we commit with our eyes; how the blood from the nails piercing Christ's hands paid the price for our sinful actions.  As Epi shared each of the ways Christ bled and died for us on the cross, the students got very quiet.  It was intense, and there were many in the bleachers who may not have thought of Christ's death this way.

Please be in prayer that those who heard how Christ suffered on their behalf will be deeply impacted by the amazing love Jesus has for them, and that those who do not know Him as Savior, will come to understand they can have a personal relationship with the God who loves them and wants them for His own!

God continues to work on Foothill's campus!  The Gospel is getting into the hearts and minds of teenagers who would never hear a message like this if they hadn't stepped into their own high school gym!

In His service,

Linda and Cherie
FCA Parent Volunteer Coordinators
Phone contact info: Linda 714-838-9000 or Cherie 714-501-5775

The dates of our remaining 2012-2013 Huddles are:
January 16
February 13 and 27
March 13 and 27
April 17
May 1, 15, 29
June 12

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