
Huddle number 7- Woodbridge HS

You know the show The Price Is Right? I'm going to ask you some questions to gauge your heart...
              How much would you pay for your favorite pair of jeans?  Would you pay $500,000 to bail a close friend or loved one out of jail? How 'bout $10 million to spare someone you loved the death penalty? Would you pay $1 billion to get to heaven?

So began Josh's talk at FCA earlier this afternoon--but only after he and his nine-year-old friend JoeJoe did some amazing break dancing for the FCA crowd.  Josh was unbelievable (check out a video @ www.breakn4christ.com), and then there was JoeJoe doing--among other incredible moves--a hands-free cartwheel: he used his head instead of his hands!

We understand in our court system that there are consequences for our wrong actions, and we expect justice to be done. God is no different: there are consequences for our sin and justice must be done. Every human being has broken the law (Romans 3:23), and that sin separates from God and keeps us from being in relationship with Him. That's the bad news that we need to hear before we can hear this good news: if we acknowledge our sin, repent/turn from it, and trust in Jesus--who suffered on the cross the consequences for our sin--as our Savior and serve Him as our Lord, we will enjoy for eternity a relationship with our heavenly Father.

At the altar call, there was no closing eyes or bowing heads: this was an opportunity for students to make a public stand of their need for Jesus and their desire to live with Him as Lord of their life. That's a tough assignment!  "What will people think?" Josh addressed that when he said, If you were drowning in the ocean, you wouldn't care what people thought! You'd just want to be saved!  Well, you're drowning in your sin!

God used those good words, His Spirit moved, and several students made public their decision to receive Christ or rededicate their life to Him.

We had about 100 students join us on this Monday before finals begin.  Thank you, Walton family, for hosting and thanks to Tim Avazian, Kristi Gaultiere, and Christina Moore for serving!

And thank you for praying for WHS students as they study and take tests this week--and pray, too, for them to be wise and safe during their four-day semester break.

We are at the halfway point of the school year and FCA's 2012-13 ministry on the WHS campus.  It wouldn't be happening without you!  Thank you for your faithful and generous support!

With gratitude to God for each of you!
Kris and Lisa

Break Free Ministry...   
Galatians 5:1 It was for freedom that Christ set us free.

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